Library Byte by Byte is a blog about my adventures in the technology world!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Thing #23 - Summary

This was a great journey!
Although I had a part in creating this program there were areas that I really had not investigated before and that was great for me. Often in both my personal and professional life I get so busy that I forget to "Play" and this was a great way to force me to play with the neat tools that are out there. I am so thankful that I work where I do and with the people I work with, even when I get in a rut doing the "daily" tasks I have to, my colleagues push me to go farther and find more and that is something that you can't get just anywhere or from anyone!
I will, of course, take part in another version of this, because I know that there are ALWAYS new things out there to find and discover! What a wonderful world!!!

1 comment:

VWB said...

hip-hip-hooray! good job!

P.S. BTW #20 showed up in my reader (and I commented)--doesn't show on your blog...did you go in and edit? you might need to publish again?